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The Empirical Marketing Dispatch

It started as real-time advice from the marketing trenches in the early days of the pandemic. Now, it's a bi-weekly newsletter trusted by marketing leaders like you. Learn how to better navigate the world of creativity and marketing with THE DISPATCH.

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Empirical Marketing
Eggceptional ideas can yield eggstraordinary results.
Empirical Marketing
How do you get famous? Put on a show.
Empirical Marketing
Playing to win … on a small budget
Empirical Marketing
Consistency is not, in fact, the hobgoblin of little minds
Empirical Marketing
One call, that’s all: Love him or not, he’s one of Milwaukee’s most effective marketers
Empirical Marketing
Is your B2B brand playing to win? Make a promise.
Empirical Marketing
When life gives you pomegranates … make strategy.
Empirical Marketing
Paying attention to attention

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