SRH | About

The Age of Empirical Marketing Has Arrived

Despite all our tools, technology and wisdom, an estimated half of all marketing dollars still go to waste.

We can do better than this. We owe it to ourselves, our clients, and our “target audiences.”

Empirical marketing is a set of principles driven by the way markets actually function and people really make decisions — according to the latest research breakthroughs from institutes like The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science and IPA.

Until recently, marketers didn’t fully understand…

  • How small brands grow their market share, or how large brands defend it.
  • How loyalty actually works — and doesn’t

How people choose products and brands or even the categories of goods & services they desire.

Now we have the answers.

Our mission at SRH is to make it easy and fun to harness these principles to grow our clients’ brands and impact.

SRH: The Agency of Empirical Marketing

Our mission is simple: help marketing leaders harness the power of empirical marketing to grow market share, minimize waste and justify bigger budgets.

We have worked with pioneers in the space to develop a proprietary marketing engine dashboard — “The Cogs of Empirical Marketing” — to reveal how all the major marketing activities and metrics work together to drive growth. The Cogs empower leaders to confidently invest in strategies and tactics that are proven to drive growth.

Beyond The Cogs, we have frameworks for guiding leaders and their teams through empirical marketing planning and activation, such as mapping category entry points — the various situations, needs, and triggers that lead a consumer to consider a product category. Category entry points help identify undervalued opportunities in the market.

Ready to Learn More? We've Got Options!

Download our Empirical Marketing Primer ebook to discover the foundational tenets and why they matter.

Download here.

Sign up for the SRH Empirical Marketing Dispatch — empirical marketing news, research, insights & case studies delivered to your inbox every Tuesday morning.
Email [email protected] and say “add me!”

Schedule a chat with us about working together:
John Bloss, Biz Dev Manager
[email protected]

(630) 835-9916

Together we can build the case for investing in proven-effective strategy, creative and media.