


Coach Jeff here.

Ahhh, spring is (almost) in the air. Which, of course, gets me excited for baseball.

As a coach, I use a lot of acronyms and “codes” with our teams. It helps our young athletes remember key concepts and cultural requirements. It helps them understand what the coaches will and will not tolerate. One code we constantly reference on our team is: WEB4ME or “we before me.” It gets written on the line-up card before every game we play.

Simply stated, WEB4ME places a priority on team success instead of individual success. Team success comes by setting aside the selfishness of individual greatness and concentrates on the selflessness needed to put the team first. It's also what we strive for at SRH. (By the way, our baseball team has a way to evaluate team success called BASE2 after every game, but that’s for another post).

At SRH we have dedicated client teams of talented people that work together, not for individual accolades but for each other and for our clients. Within the walls of our agency, there is one goal and one goal only — do what needs to be done to make the work better. No egos, no individual performances, no thinking that any one person is right or better. We win and lose as a team.

Of course, when a team wins, individuals win too. In fact, multiple studies show that a team-first company culture directly correlates with high retention rates and overall employee happiness.

So the next time you're heading to a meeting with your team, ask yourself, ”Who am I really working for?” I hope the answer isn't, “Me.”

Less than two weeks until Opening Day!

Play ball,
