SRH | Coach Jeff’s 5 Deep Questions for Little League AND Marketing…

Coach Jeff’s 5 Deep Questions for Little League AND Marketing Teams Alike


“Coach Jeff” Ohm here:

As you know by now, I’m always finding ways my baseball coaching career parallels my advertising career. And this season is no different.

As my little league team winds down its moderately successful season, the questions we ask our boys are pertinent questions we can ask our professional selves too:

Did you have fun this season?

Do you enjoy what you do? Do you look forward to coming to the field (office) and working hard to accomplish something together?

Did you try your best?

Are you giving it your all? Are you a leader? Do you outwork those around you to set a good example for the team?

Did you support your teammates?

Did you pick up your teammates when they were down, or did you point fingers when mistakes were made?

Are you actively working on your game beyond practice?

Are you independently working on getting better beyond the obligatory and mandatory job requirements? Are you reading industry-related books, staying up-to-date on trends, attending seminars? Are you seeking out other experts to continue to learn?

Do you love to play the game?

Do you bleed your sport (industry)? Are you playing the right game? Or, are there other fields you’d rather be playing on or teams you’d rather be playing with?

Perhaps if you happened to answer “no” to these five questions…maybe you should reconsider trying out next season…

Jeff –