SRH | CBD Goes Mainstream Advertising & Other Media News from Milly

CBD Goes Mainstream Advertising & Other Media News from Milly


TikTok, Apple and CBD on TV. Yes, that’s right, it’s Milly’s Media Roundup.

Want ads that really resonate with your audience? Study shows TikTok is the path to do it…

That’s right, last year, Kantar partnered with TikTok to see how TikTok’s ads stacked up against other social platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. The results came back that 72% of the audience found TikTok’s ads the most engaging.

A lot of that boils down to the platform’s viral and collaborative nature; ads on TikTok allow users to be part of the creative process, such as the “Branded Hashtag Challenges.” These are hashtag competitions usually sponsored by brands and companies to bolster their recognition and awareness… and they’re working! The average challenge gets about 6.1 BILLION views world wide.

The Apple IOS Update and its impact on your conversions

The most recent Apple IOS update is coming to mess with your conversion and targeting data. The update included something called App Transparency, which now automatically switches people’s preferences to not allow any apps to conduct data collection; they must opt in on Apple devices. Where you’ll see the biggest impact of this update is most likely within your social media campaigns, as the targeting may become a little more limited and you may have trouble seeing conversions come through on the platform.

However, if you take the time to set up your campaigns properly, you should always be able to gather intel from good ol’ Google Analytics, and get insights into audiences and conversions that way.

But time is always ticking as Chrome looks to make more moves towards privacy in 2022 as well.

CBD now on your TV.

Luxury CBD brand Lord Jones has made a huge stride in the market segment by beginning to advertise on OTT aka “over the top” (content served directly to viewers through the internet—Hulu, Roku, Apple TV—bypassing broadcast and cable). They’re currently advertising on CNN and HGTV’s digital channels.

They’ve also expanded into Outdoor—another rather uncharted water for the cannabinoid space.

It’s a fascinating example of how good branding, beautiful creative and out-of-the-box placement can help grow a whole category. You can read more on that here.

That’s your Milly Media Roundup.