SRH | A recap of the headlines and campaigns that sucked us in this…

A recap of the headlines and campaigns that sucked us in this summer.


What did I do this summer? I was sold to — sometimes with really great copy that worked. Here are a few that came to mind as of late.

Baywatch in a bottle

When Vacation® Leisure-Enhancing Sunscreen sauntered across my Instagram feed, I first mistook it for the @oldschoolmoms account, known for its retro snapshot style of content. (Even Diet Coke seems to be taking note of that vibe.) But Vacation Sunscreen is something different. As soon as you land on their Garamond-laden website, you’re assigned a staff role (i.e. you sign up for an email list), like “Resident Parrot Watercolor Painter” or “Couples Pedal Boat Coordinator,” and then you’re off to learn more about the world’s best smelling sunscreen.

“It immerses the wearer in a nostalgic mix of coconut, banana, pool water, pool toy and swimsuit lycra for optimal poolside lounging.”

Ok. It does. And it protects me from sunburn. And despite feeling like a guinea pig in a well-thought-out marketing scheme, it did make me laugh.

Copywriting strategy: Humor

If it’s good enough for Cher …

Speaking of scents, it’s an impossible task, really — translating smells into words. So when I read that it took Cher four whole years to develop her Eau de Couture (in a Bob Mackie lab coat, right?) I was curious.

“The scent defies a single category, like Cher herself. Vibrant notes of bergamot and neroli meet the intimate florals of jasmine and rose and smoke and spice of sandalwood and clove.”

Wow. I love how old Cher records sound AND how this perfume sounds, so while I did NOT buy a full-size bottle, I did order a sample. What does Cher smell like? Surprisingly powdery. Since she wears leather and lives in Malibu, I guess it makes sense.

Copywriting strategy: Exclusivity.

Got copy?

Not long ago, a billboard popped up near my house that made me pound my dashboard with glee. “It’s like milk, but for humans.” In truth, this billboard did not compel me to buy Oatly, because the packaging on the shelf already had.

“GAMECHANGER! REVOLUTIONARY! LIFE-ALTERING! PARADIGM-SHIFTING! Just so you know, we are none of the above. We are just a really really really good oatmilk.”

In a world where Congress can argue about how the word “milk” can be used, all I can do is wipe that oatmilk mustache from my lips and let out a satisfied “ah.” Take my money, Oatly.

Copywriting strategy: Honesty

Weave a story

I’ll admit it. This Thread Wallets Origin Story is almost too cutesy for me. I say almost, because I couldn’t help but watch the whole thing. It’s just clever, endearing and funny. (Love when the parents listen at the door and say “I think they’re making wallets!”) But aside from that, this video is written in a way to describe their brand in a quick and entertaining way.

“It’s a story of love and adventure and a murder most foul. Okay not murder but it involves a surfer, broccoli, a beautiful girl, her sewing machine, and this guy.”

Did I buy one? Not yet, only because I have so many million little wallety things I should start my own brand and call it Little Wallety Things. But I do keep looking at Thread content.

Copywriting strategy: Storytelling

So, when was the last time you bought something sight unseen, smell un-smelled, or taste un-tasted based solely on copy? We’d love to hear about it.