SRH | 6 Tips for Maintaining Strong Business Relationships

6 Tips for Maintaining Strong Business Relationships

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6 Tips for Maintaining Strong Business Relationships

At SRH, we’ve been blessed with wonderful new business opportunities, and we continue to be humbled by the variety of businesses and brands that want to partner with us. As Accounts Director, I’m also always mindful that client meetings and presentations are just as important as new business meetings. And, above all else, our business relationships matter.

As you work with your agency and colleagues or sell to your current customers, keep a few things in mind:

  1. Complacency kills relationships: Don’t cut corners, don’t ever take a meeting “off”. Put in the effort to make every meeting and conversation great. Prepare, practice and lead.
  2. Don’t assume your customers (or co-workers) love you — even though they say so. Maybe they do. But, act as though you have to win them over during every single conversation.
  3. Every meeting matters: Act as though every meeting and customer touchpoint earns the next one — as if your job depends on it.
  4. Earn your value: After a meeting or work conversation ask yourself “Was I of value to that person or project?” “…Was it better because I was involved?” Avoid superficial relationships at all costs, it will catch up with you.
  5. Ask how you can do better: If you care about your clients, customers and coworkers, you should want to know how they feel about you, your team and your company.
  6. Make it a better day: Do your co-workers or customers look forward to talking and working with you? Why or why not?

I admit I can get “Zoom fatigue”. It’s not easy always staying engaged and energetic looking at a screen. But, these simple tips remind me that building great relationships starts with me.